Friday, March 7, 2014

Things I Know For Sure

It's easy to get all caught up in a thing called 'life.' To let other people's standards morph into your own and stray from the core of who you are or who you want to be. It's hard to be mindful every day about your life. Lots of us get caught up in just going through the motions. 

Sometimes it's nice to just take a minute and write down things you know for sure about yourself, your life, and where you want to be. You know, just reaffirm yourself, who you are, and what the heck you're doing and why you're doing it. So here is my list of things I know for sure, at this point in my life, this list could be completely different come tomorrow, because that's how life is! 

1.Being a mom, and a good one at that, is my best accomplishment and probably will be for the rest of my life.

2. A sunset never gets old.

3. The word "fag" has no room in my vocabulary and makes me cringe when spoken by others. Yeah, I'm one of those people.

4. I will never be a morning person, even when I have my little humans waking me up at the crack of dawn, I am not fully awake and aware until about 10 am. 

5. I'm a summer girl. Warm breezes, the smell of a body of water, and tan lines will always make my heart flutter.

6. Putting my spirituality in one religious box doesn't work for me.

7. I am so fortunate for my wonderful family. Cousins, brothers, parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. These people have been the highlight of my life. 

8. Profanity will never just roll off my tongue. Sometimes I wish it would, but it is just so unnatural for me. I don't know why. 

9. Classic Rock-n-Roll will always remind me of riding in the car with my Dad and iced-tea will always remind me of my Mom. 

10. Nature is my church. A good hike and breath of fresh air makes me feel connected.

11. Avocado and or garlic powder make everything extra delicious. 

12. Gratitude's the attitude! Being grateful really brings more into your life. It's almost like science, it really works!  

To sum it up: love, family, and gratitude are three things I'm absolutely sure of, this far in my life.

Oh, and tulips are my favorite flower. I know that for sure too :) 

What do you know for sure? 

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