Woman. Such a lovely word.
As I'm growing older, I'm becoming to love the privilege of being a woman. Yes, I said PRIVILEGE. While, some people, like to focus on all women lack in todays' society and compare us to men and yada yada, I'm enjoying and embracing being a woman.
Every person has their own definition of what a woman is. As time rolls on, mine keeps changing. When I was younger, a woman was my mom. When I was a teen, a woman was just an older gal. In my early 20's, I desperately wanted to prove I was a full fledged woman and no longer a girl. Now, I just think women are truly remarkable.
One of my all- time favorite quotes is by Maya Angelou and she says, "You make me proud to spell my name w-o-m-a-n." That's what I strive to be, a woman fellow women are proud to share womanhood with. A woman that inspires other women and lifts them up. That's my goal; to be a good woman.
So, as I sit here at 26 years of age, this is what the word "woman" means to me...
A true woman changes the room she enters.
She doesn't have to ask for respect, it is demanded just by her presence.
She's over the days of gossip and belittling. There are such greater things to talk about.
Most days, she's simple, with little to no make up, because she is confident in her own skin, but when she dolls up, there's no comparison.
She'll let you make a few tasteless comments, but there is a line you can cross and when you cross it, she will have no fear letting you know, doesn't matter who you are.
She can still rock out to her favorite songs and sing at the top of her lungs.
She can laugh at herself. No one's perfect.
She rises each day with a new hope and love for her family, that only grows stronger and stronger.
She's learned to pick her battles.
She can enjoy a dirty martini and kicking her feet up, when the time is right.
She knows how timeless a dress and lipstick are. Those two things never go out of style.
She's not afraid of change and hard times, she's seen them, and knows she'll make it through.
She's learned to let her guard down and actually let another human being take care of her.
She laughs unapologetically.
She lifts up other women around her. We can all be fabulous.
She knows how to run a household and cram a million things into one day of 24 hours.
She's supportive. At times quietly standing by and other times, loudly saying what needs to be said.
She's raw. There's no faking emotion.
She challenges her self every day to grow and evolve and become more of a woman she would want to be.
A woman who understands the vital softness she provides to this dark world.
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