One of my very best friends is pregnant, and I'm almost more excited for her, than I was when I was pregnant with my own kids, almost! Anyways, I know when you're pregnant, there are a million questions floating around your head, all day, every day, like "Can I really do this? How is this baby really entering the world, because it sure as heck isn't really coming out of you know where! And how do I keep an actual human alive?" Along with all the little questions, like, "What's a swaddle? Can I even change a diaper? Where should this baby sleep?" So, I want to share with you, some words you might long to hear, while you're pregnant and the first few weeks with your new baby.
"The name you picked, is perfect."
I worked in a restaurant, while pregnant, with both of my kids, and I was amazed at the amount of people that gave me feedback about what to name my baby. Complete strangers thought their opinion mattered, when deciding the name of my baby, which their opinion didn't matter, but when your hormones are in full swing, you take what even strangers say, personal. Point being, I wouldn't share the name you choose with any one, because there is ALWAYS going to be some one that thinks there is a better name out there for your kid, but guess what, it's YOUR kid and there is NO better name, than the one that comes to you for your little bundle of joy.
"You are prepared!"
Your mama bear instincts kick in as soon as you are certain there is a baby inside of you. You want everything to be perfect and you want to make sure your baby is coming home to the most prepared nursery there has ever been on the planet. I'm here to tell you, just breathe. You are prepared and if you do actually forget something, there are things called, stores, you can go grab what you need and your baby will survive! You will forget things. My husband and I forgot my daughter's stroller on our first outing as a new, little family and we went to downtown Disney! So he had to carry her car seat all around, all day long. It was pretty hysterical. We felt like complete failures, but looking back, we just laugh! Such a new-parent move. Our daughter lived through the traumatic experience though ;)
"You look absolutely, radiant."
For real, your body will not ever be how it was before pregnancy. You can drop the weight, work out, and look absolutely magnificent, but it will not be the same body you had before. I truly believe the first month with your new little baby is pure magic. You can't even explain it. Knowing what the experience is like, I seriously, think women look absolutely beautiful while they're in it. Tired eyes, a rounder face, no make-up, pony tail day in and day out, and an exhausted smile, but that smile is so pure and so full of contentment and bliss, it is absolutely breathtaking. Embrace your new body and your new tired self and on the days you don't even want to look at yourself in the mirror, I think, you look absolutely gorgeous!
"You are so impressive."
The first few weeks are a blur. You'll be delirious, it's pretty painful, and you're learning the ropes, but you will be very impressed with yourself. No one ever tells you how painful it is, because you forget, because you are in a new kind of romance with your baby. But the first few weeks, you're learning to breast feed (which hurts), learning to sleep at odd hours (which hurts your mind), and learning to balance life and a baby (which is confusing). Through all the pain and confusion, you will be entirely impressed with yourself. Your baby will be happy and content, fed and warm, you'll get a few things done, and you'll share moments you can't even believe are real, because they are so beautiful. You're a mom now and I know, you are doing the very best you know how to do each day. If that means you were only able to brush your teeth by 2pm and keep your baby alive today, I am impressed by you and you should be impressed with yourself. Don't be too hard on yourself; you've got this and you are impressive!
"Your husband still sees you as his beautiful, wife."
Remember the center of your universe before your baby? Yeah, not many women do, but it was probably your husband. He helped create this magical little being and took a beating by you and your hormones for a solid 9 months, so try to remember to pay a little attention to him. Through out your child's whole life, it is the easiest thing to forget your significant other, because it's seriously, your human instinct to spend every waking ounce of energy on the new life you created. You will never want to leave your little humans side, but you must force yourself to spend alone time with your husband. In the end, it's vital to your child's happiness too, because happy parents, make for happy kids. You and your husband will probably go to dinner and all you'll talk about is your new baby, and you'll reminisce about the cute, noise they made that afternoon. That's how pathetic you'll be, but you won't want it any other way. Just remember, your husband still thinks you're beautiful and he needs a little TLC every now and then.
"This is the best time of your life."
I feel like a lot of internet stories and young folk, who don't want babies at the point they're at in their life, put being a parent down and sometimes, you can start to feel like you're missing out on something, but you're not. Your life is so full of love, a kind of love you don't even know exists until you have a child of your own. The days are long and draining, but you'll look back on them with such fondness, so much fondness in fact, you'll probably make another baby! (Ha). So, try to embrace every moment, the years fly by! If you have a hard day, remember tomorrow is a new one, and you'll long for this time back, when your kids are out on their own!
Babies have a way of making everything new again and bringing you right back to what's important in life. I think, the most sacred thing we have is time and babies make you spend your time wisely, with lots of loved ones. Just remember, you'll figure it all out and you're doing just fine!
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