Sunday, March 1, 2015

Anybody Out There?

Hi All! 

I haven't been on Bring The Happy in a while, because I've been working on actually Bringing the Happy! Ha! And it hit me, I kind of left this little corner of the world hangin'.

I'm one for lots of dream chasing and I've found a way to squish everything I love into one platform, which is now! There, you can find my writing, my pictures, my tid bits of life, and my mission to BRING THE HAPPY!

If you were an original Bring the Happier, please follow me on over there. Same great stuff, just a different name. 

Thanks y'all!!! :D


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Life Isn't a Job That Gets Done.

Have you ever had the feeling of being completely overwhelmed, to the point of a panic attack, because you feel there will never be enough time in this life to finish all your dreams and goals? There is an abundance of beauty out there; in our very own world; an infinite amount! So many things to do. So many words to write. So many mouths to listen to. So many places to see. So many hugs to receive. So many pictures to take. So much kindness to spread. So many moments to live.

I'm 26 years old and feel like I'm late to the game. 

If you really think about it. Life is fleeting; so fleeting.

Then it hit me, maybe this isn't the beginning of "my" story and maybe when I'm gone, it won't be the end of it, either.  

Each and every day, I'm realizing more and more, how we (all of us humans) are in this (life on the planet) together. 

So, maybe I'm not just writing my story.

Maybe I've picked up some one else's story that they never got to finish. Maybe they're still on this planet and maybe they're not. The fact of the matter is; there is no way my dreams are completely unique to me. The way I interpret them and bring them into the world is unique, but I'm not the first one trying to make a difference with my words and photos. 

So, let that bring you peace. 

Life is not a job you get done. It's just a few pictures on a film strip that help make up the whole roll. And you can't see the pictures before yours and you can't see the pictures after, but you know, if you're looking in the right light, they're all beautiful and they all matter. 

You're picking up the pieces from others' dreams and when you're gone, some soul will pick up the pieces from yours.  You're not writing your story, you're writing ours. Make it a good one. One we can pat ya on the back for, and say "Thanks! Good looking out." 

Find solace in the fact that you can't do everything and you won't, but we can do anything and we will. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014



All life is, is a series of moments. 

One after the other. One moment you're laughing and then the phone rings and you can't even breathe from the weight of loss that just crushed you. The kind of loss that flips your world inside out and rings out all the little bits of happiness you could hold onto. All you feel is dark. You're reaching for those little bits of light, but they're falling to the floor, drop by drop and your world fades from gray to black. But two and a half minutes ago, you were laughing, eating your lunch and getting ready to go to a Hawaiian party. Now your world has completely stopped and has an ache so bad, you're frozen. Just. Like. That.  

One moment you're hanging on to life by a thread. You have nothing to your name, but a dream. Sacrificing money for happiness has always been enough for you, but it's rough. You're eating Top Ramen, not getting enough sleep, and writing until your fingers bleed. The next morning you wake up, in your rented room, open your mailbox and there it is. Running your hands over that starched envelope paper, your heart rate picks up. You are so eager to open it, but hold off to take a deep breath. It's that moment you can hear your heart beating in your head and you forget to breathe. Finally, you rip the envelope open, quickly, but not as ravenously as you'd like; you can't tear the precious thing inside. It's black ink, on white paper. And with a few blinks of your eyes and a few words read; your life has changed. A publishing deal. You are no longer a person with a dream; you are an author with a book. Just. Like. That.

Moments are life. 

Take people for who they are moment to moment.

One moment we mess up, but the next we sincerely want to make it up to you. One moment we could feel the deepest depths of love and with one passing glance, the next moment holds feelings of betrayal. One moment you could think things possibly couldn't get any better, and the next moment is even brighter than the one before. 

Moment to moment, people are people. 

Feel are there is to feel in each moment and then, just move on to the next. Don't dwell on past moments. Just live in each moment, with an open heart and the world opens up for you. Just. Like. That. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Mama Sees You

It was around 2 am, "Mommy?!?!," she exclaimed as she jetted up out of her sheets.

We were staying at a beach house for a few days of "vacation." It was a new environment, so when she slightly awakened, she was a little scared and nervous. I can only imagine her thoughts, "Where am I? What bed am I in? Where is my nightlight? Why is the window in a different location?" And amongst all her confusion and panic, she called for me. For me.

Yes, I was exhausted. Yes, I didn't really want to get up, but the second I heard her voice, I was sprinting down the hall to comfort her, before I even realized I was awake at 2 am.  

As I was comforting my 3 year old at 2 am, I thought there was no where in the world I would have rather been. I felt so fortunate to be the one she called for and found it silly she didn't know I was right down the hall. Where else would I be? 

Doesn't she know by now I see her and her little brother? 

Day in and day out, that's all I'm doing. I'm watching them learn and grow and offering words of encouragement and arms of comfort, when needed. 

Don't you know mama sees you? 

Mama sees you, when your newborn eyes are searching for another soul to connect with.

Mama sees you, when you find the strength to roll over onto your tummy for the first time and slightly lift your head, wondering if that was supposed to happen.

Mama sees you, when your fingers find your toes and you hold on to them so tightly, confused as to what they are and if you will ever be able to find them again. 

Mama sees you, as your drifting off to sleep with small smiles, just because you're loved.

Mama sees you, when you get up on your knees, start crawling, start walking, start running.

Mama sees you, when you balance on one foot for 1 second and the smile that you get from such an accomplishment, as if you just saved the world; and you have, you've saved my world.

Mama sees you, when you take a good fall, falls that hurt, and then you get right back up and keep going. I see you and am waiting. I'll be there when the falls get a little too big. 

Mama sees you, brushing your own hair and attempting to put on your own socks.

Mama sees you, loving everyone that crosses your path, as if they were your own family. Maybe they are.

Mama sees how you notice everything, all around you, at all times. From the ground, up to the clouds. It amazes you and you have so much excitement and wonder. 

Mama sees you, running, trying to reach maximum speed. You are so fast.

Mama sees you. 

Mama sees the big soul, in your little body.

Mama sees you when you need me to see you. When you're looking for that reassuring glance that you're doing great, when you're looking for that smile that tells you our world is stable and happy, when you're looking for that hug that comforts you, when you're looking for that high five that completes your accomplishment, and when you're looking for those words that remind you how amazing you are. 

Mama sees you, even when you don't need me to see you. I see your self assurance, your courage to try and try again, your dance moves, your style, your kindness, your moments of frustration and testing the waters, your love for all things, your heart and soul that already knows who you are. 

Mama sees you, being you. And that's all you ever have to be; completely and utterly you. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A Church For Somebody

Welcome to church.

People enter, one by one, smiling that nervous smile. The smile that is too aware of the truth it's about to speak.

There's no sitting silently here. Every person will talk. Every person will share their sins.

Every person will sympathize with one another and it will be heartfelt and it will be real. It won't be an awkward hug, it will be a human embrace. 

This church is honest; everyone's got their ghosts swimming in their heads. Those memories of bad moments of judgement. Moments that turned into years of their lives. 

These pews aren't filled with people trying to save face in front of their neighbors.

These pews are filled with people who have been rocked to their bones, exposed to their core, and dirtied up by life's curve balls. 

These pews are filled with people looking their weaknesses in the eyes. 

These pews are filled with people brave enough to say, "I can't do this on my own. I'm here for help."

These pews are filled with people stripping down to their most vulnerable place and asking for a shoulder to lean on; a little love. 

These pews are filled with people ready to let the world in, let some light in and push the dark out.

These pews are filled with people done with pretending. 

It's honest. It's accepting. It's raw. It's supportive. 

It's regimented. It's step by step. Once a day, once a week, once a year. 

And the preacher stands up and says, "Welcome to Alcoholics Anonymous." 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Soul Mates

The more I live this life, the more I believe in soul mates. Not just "the one" soul mates, but all kinds of soul mates. Think about how many connections you have with people in your life right now, don't you think you've had at least a few of those connections with those souls before? 

They're the connections that just come easy. You bump into each other and it's like, "Finally! My life is a little better now, because you're back in it and you get me."

Haven't you ever met some one and instantly smiled when your eyes met theirs? Like they set your soul on fire with just one glance. It's a fleeting moment. As if your souls have met hundreds of times, but it's new to you. It's as if something from deep inside you asks, "Where have you been? I've been missing you. No one can make my eyes sparkle the way they do, with you in sight." It's a moment of feeling found; so beautiful and so explosive- like a falling star. The moment engulfs both of you.

You can't pull away from each other. It feels like you have to catch up on lifetimes of stories; on the memories you made without one another. You talk and talk and talk. Before you know it, the sun is rising. You watch the reds and golds paint the ocean and the stars fade out, so the sun can shine. You watch that persons face move, from the glow of the moonlight, to the bright beams of honesty. You see that person and that person sees you. You're not scared of them. You told them about all of your deepest secrets and everything that scares you, within the first few breaths of conversation. It's raw and it's real and it begins...

It begins; the memories, the stories, the moments, that you'll have to catch up on the next time your souls find each other again. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Welp, I've decided 2015 is the year I epically change my life! This year, I think I've done a pretty darn good job chasing my dreams, whilst being a wife and mom and yada yada, BUT 2015 doesn't even know what's about to hit it! Bam!

I've got grand plans for my writing, photography and my mission to "bring the happy," that will all be introduced on a new website; launching by January 2015! 

A big part of my new goals is a Bring The Happy mission

My vision: Collect snapshots of what has put a genuine smile on some one else's face, with a few words that describe that moment. On the back of these pictures will be #bringthehappy and contact information. I will randomly and strategically be placing these snapshots all over southern California. Hopefully when one person finds a random, happy picture; they get a smile or better yet, a little chuckle. They'll see the contact info; and send their picture of something that has made them happy. They can also snap a picture of where they found the "Bring The Happy snapshot" and hashtag it. And so, the bring the happy cycle begins.

A Bring The Happy snapshot example:

My hope: That my inbox is inundated with people's snapshots of happiness, so I can sprinkle them all over the world. I know with good intent, these snapshots will find their way to the people who really need them most. Maybe to the woman who isn't liking what she sees in the mirror while trying on clothes, but reaches in the pocket and finds a little snap of happiness. Maybe to the mailman who just wants to get home for dinner, but opens the mail box and a small snapshot of happiness is waiting for him. Maybe to the teen that feels all alone and finds a snapshot under a park bench; making him feel more connected to the world. We all deserve happiness and I really want to start a movement of bringing it. 

Here's how you can be a part of it:

Email me a picture of something that has brought you happiness! It can be anything--even just from your instagram-- a cup of coffee, a flower, your kid, new shoes--any picture that makes you smile EVERY time you look at it. 

Send that to me, at, with a short description (100 words or less) of why it gives you a big grin, when you look at it! I will find the core of your description and minimize it to a few words. **These pictures will be going out into the world, so don't send anything that you want kept private, obviously!**

I will send you an email confirmation that your picture was received. Basically, the picture that brings you a smile, will bring a smile to some one else that needs one, too! 

I am very excited about this, friends! Lets bring some happy!!!