Hi there! First, my name is Skye. And no, my parents weren't hippies and I don't have any siblings named Cloud. I am 25 and am constantly impressed with how much the world can throw at you and how much one person can learn daily. I am a dreamer. I honestly believe I can do anything! (Thanks Mom and Dad)! 

I am a mother of two and am entirely obsessed with my role as, "Mom." I love (almost) every minute of it! I am engaged to a wonderful man. Yes, we had kids before a wedding, but I love how our story is playing out, untraditional and all. My family is my back bone. I still think morals and standards are in style. I want to bring some elegance back into this world. A few things I love are a good hike with a good sweat, an eye-opening book, a laughing attack, football, a glass of $4 merlot, cuddle sessions with my man and my little ones, the occasional sleep-in, and a good conversation with my family.

This blog is for you if you're a mother; an expectant mother, new mother, or experienced mother. You can prepare yourself, go through the struggle with me, or laugh at all my trials and errors as you are a pro at this motherhood thing by now. I have a feeling the majority of my posts will have to do with my children and home life, since that is what my world revolves around! 

This blog is for you, if you consider yourself to be a dreamer. If you have big, big dreams and nothing is going to stop you from attaining them. I love that passion! I, myself, have too many ideas and dreams. I should probably narrow them down a bit. But here is where I will share some of my dreams and my pursuit in achieving them. In doing so, I hope to light the fire within you and inspire you to leave the 9 to 5 you hate and go do what you love.

This blog is for you if you're a spiritual soul-searcher. I love being enlightened and trying to connect to what some call God, the Universe, the Omnipotent; whatever you want to call it, no judging here! Spirituality is in us all and I'm searching to have a better connection with mine and a better connection with the people around me. I feel that every human being is beautiful. Truly, looking at people for their soul will make your world a prettier place. When it comes down to it, we are all in this thing together. If your soul isn't awakened yet, I'm going to sound a little coo-coo to you right about now :). 

This blog is for you if you're just a generally, happy & grateful person and can see the silver linings. I still believe the world is a beautiful place and often laugh when things are not going my way. I strive for an extraordinary life, but like things simple. I appreciate the small things, like for real- a nap in a pile of fresh laundry is one of my all time favorite things in this world. When you notice the small things and appreciate them, it's easier to be happier and realize everything you want, you already have and the world is pretty magical.   

We're Bringing The HAPPINESS up in here!  As a mom and human being, I constantly question how I'm doing day to day. I want to share how I interpret this world. Most days it will be positive and bring laughter to not so great situations we sometimes find ourselves in. Then there will be the days the world wins and I want to rant and share my frustrations or perceived failure. It shall be a journey for all of us! Cheers! #bringthehappy

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