Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sometimes You Gotta LIVE and Write, Post, Talk about it LATER.

Hello my beautiful people! I have been away living life, but am now settling back into my "normal" routine, whatever that may be, and will be back on the ball with my tid bits of life on ol' Bring The Happy. 

The last week of March, I was fortunate enough to have spent it in Paris, France. YEAH! France! The country! It was awesome, but with being a mom, it came with it's fair share of guilt and anxiety being away from my kids. 

I was in Paris for 8 days total and actually learned a lot while away. I have a few posts I'm planning on following up with pertaining to the valuable life lessons I took away from The City of Love, but thought I'd just let everyone know I am alive and plan on continuing to post on this here bloggy blog. Some may be happy about this and others disappointed ;). 

Anyways, in a lump sum, I was impressed by Paris- the sights, smells, and OH the tastes! It was a spectacular 8 days and there are more in depth, meaningful posts to come about it :). 

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