Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I'd Rather...

I've been told I'm an old soul and I'd have to agree. I don't really know if I'm all that wise, but I do long for the days of old. When it seemed like hard work paid off and family came first. People weren't in the race to self promote and they saved energy and money by hanging laundry on a line and mowing their own lawns. (I seriously registered for a laundry line from Macy's for my wedding; I was also really delighted to see you could even buy one of those these days!)

Anyways, I got to thinking; while I can appreciate our awesome technology and all the ways it does good in the world and keeps people connected (Helloooo Facetime! That is a beautiful thing), I feel like I'm poisoning my children's concepts of the world with a phone in my hand at, almost, all times. And I'm one of the people aware and making a conscious effort to cut back and it's still TOO much. If my daughter sees my phone laying around, she immediately brings it to me, which makes me sigh, a very sad sigh. 

Technology is a real dilemma, especially with raising kids. "It's the new way of the world," "You'll do more damage not allowing them to learn the new technology and they could potentially fall behind in school," "Lots of computer programs are for learning." Blah, blah, blah. When I look around, I see kids with too much energy, no respect, and the latest gadget. I'm going to chance it with my kids. I'm going to downgrade my plan and upgrade my life. And with these thoughts; I wrote this...

I'd rather my kids see my giving a hug, instead of a 'Like.' 
I'd rather them see a book in my hand, instead of a phone or kindle.
I'd rather them see me on a landline, enjoying a conversation and actually laughing out loud, because I am overcome with joy from speaking to a person I care about, instead of curled up on the couch texting 'LOL,' when I really just smirked. 

I'd rather my children see me feeling the wind on my face, instead of my face illuminated from the nearest electronic. 
I'd rather them enjoy a car ride; the scenery, maybe a few wrong turns, instead of following the voice from my phone and getting there without any unexpected "problems" or fun.
I'd rather run out of gas and my kids witness the kindness of strangers helping refuel our car or push us to the side of the road, instead of sitting there, with phone in hand, shutting out any opportunity for help, while waiting for some one I know

I'd rather them look out the window and day dream, instead of being glued to a screen shrinking their imagination. 
I'd rather my kids still be capable of feeling compassion and know they can actually hurt some one physically and verbally, instead of being numb to their own feelings and others.
I'd rather them see me relaxing; actually relaxing, instead of trying to constantly keep up with things that actually do not matter. 
I'd rather them see their Dad get sunburned shoulders from mowing our lawn, instead of watching strangers pull up and unload gardening tools from the back of their truck.

I'd rather my children actually plant something and get a little dirt under their nails and run outside everyday to see if their seed has sprouted, instead of having cyber plants that grow ten feet in two hours. 
I'd rather them have memories of the smell of fresh clothes hang drying in the summer breeze, instead of the dryer constantly running. 
I'd rather them come inside at the end of a long day with messy hair, skinned up knees and elbows, and not smelling too good, because they explored, instead of looking prim and proper and having some name brand clothing on that isn't allowed to get dirty.
I'd rather them wait patiently while I try to make a meal, even if it doesn't taste the best, it'll have love spattered all over it, instead of driving through and getting a quick dinner that leaves their stomachs and hearts empty with no dinner time conversation. 

I'd rather my kids look around, enjoy real life and the people they are surrounded by everyday, instead of living a life with no peripheral vision. 


Let's bring back life's simplicities and soak them in. We only have one life, you'll be sad if you spend it looking at a screen. 

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