Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Maya Angelou: A Quintessential Woman.

I woke up today, had coffee, hung out with my kids, and checked my email. BAM! "Maya Angelou passes away at 86." Tears filled my eyes, which, I thought odd, I never personally, knew her, but I felt as if I did. The way she carried out her life, inspired me. She was one of my personal heroes. Each word she spoke and wrote, sunk deep down to my core. I felt as if she got me and I got her. 

I was sad, selfishly, most of all, I always found comfort knowing Maya Angelou was walking around this planet with me. Praying for people, loving people, and spreading her beautiful words and kindness in every day life. I would miss that comfort. And plus, people you admire, you start to think the world could never be, without them. I knew Maya Angelou was old, but she was such beautiful soul, wiser than I thought one human was capable of being, certainly she couldn't pass on, but as life goes, she did. 

I know she wasn't scared of death and she's back with "All," as she put it, but the little writer within me had to pay tribute to her. As Maya Angelou said, "Writers write." So I wrote. This poem is in honor of the magnificent life and impact Maya Angelou had on me and so many others. 

Quintessential Woman

Her skin is soft, her words strong
She has an undeniable essence that lives on

She moves people like the sea
A force so harshly powerful, yet serene

Her smile lit up this world
Causing people's evils and doubts to unfurl
They blew away in the wind
And people found their hope again

This, once caged bird, was a force to be reckoned with
Love and kindness, she made her life's pith
She turned her cage to gold
And it became priceless, nothing anyone could hold

Lessons she taught
Virtues she sought 

She was, but one woman
One woman, who stood in her conviction
Never too old or too wise to listen

One woman, who brought about change
Humanity and compassion were never estranged
One woman, who lived her life so elegantly
And saw herself in you and me

One, phenomenal woman, indeed
Our hungry hearts and souls, she helped feed

One phenomenal woman, was she.


I would say rest peacefully, but I know she isn't resting. She's zippin' around, spreading some other goodness else where and she will be greatly missed down here. 

My favorite Maya Angelou quotes:

"This is a wonderful day. I've never seen this one before."
"Try to be a rainbow in some one's cloud."
"My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return."
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."
"When you know better, you do better."
"If you get, give. If you learn, teach."

I could honestly, go on and on. This woman amazes me. Here's to Maya Angelou!!!

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